Due to the growing concerns of the COVID-19 respiratory illness more commonly known as Coronavirus, health safety in the food and beverage industry should be a large priority.
Although the illness is mostly abroad, we understand the growing concern, especially for those working in the foodservice industry, so we pulled together some resources to help. When dealing with customers on a regular and consistent basis, taking extra precautions around health safety is important. So here is what you need to know:
What is COVID-19/Coronavirus?
The 2019-nCov also known as Coronavirus is a respiratory illness that was first detected in Wuhan, China. According to the CDC, it is unclear how easily the virus can be spread between people and how long it can last on surfaces. Most respiratory illnesses are spread when a person is the most contagious, however, this virus has been reported to spread when affected individuals do not show any symptoms.
What does this mean for restaurants?
Treat it like a really bad flu season. Make sure that you and all of your employees are following the standard health and safety guidelines around handwashing, sanitizing, and staying home when they are sick or showing any signs of illness. If you and your employees are unsure of the precautions that are being advised, please contact your local health department for further instructions for your county.
General Precautions
Wash your hands! Check out our blog on Handwashing to make sure you and your employees are following the strictest instructions on how to ensure not to spread germs.
Here is a Step-by-step Handwashing graphic for your restaurant and classrooms! Please print and post it in visible locations in your facility. We have also created one in Spanish if you would like the option to post both!
Make sure you are using the proper sanitizing rules and regulations for cleaning your facilities. Whether that means cleaning your public restrooms and door handles more frequently, or ensuring you are using the correct amounts of sanitizer in your 3-compartment sink, take the extra time to keep you, your employees, and your customers healthy by following the rules strictly.
Need more resources?
Here are some more resources to make sure you are staying up to date on COVID-19, what to do, and what is advised regarding safety. If you have any more questions, please contact your local health department. If you feel ill, please call your primary care provider.
- Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- CDC Website
- CDC recommendations for Businesses
- Department of Labor – COVID-19
- World Health Organization on Coronavirus
- World Health Organization – Advice for the Public